Just take the pill.

Landed in London. Hunkering down for an 8-hour layover.

I forgot my phone at the house – can’t make this stuff up. That is one way to kick off the detox. Then, as if part of the plan, our uber driver drove us the long way to the airport. A normally 20 minute highway drive became a 45 minute tour through downtown and  the most underserved area inside of our city limits. We arrived at the airport to find that our status was not on our airline tickets and TSA pre-check unavailable, leading to an extended time through security. We then ran out of time for Amelia and I to eat, even though I had promised her Thundercloud once we reached the airport. Lessons. I'm paying attention.

And then, the mood lightened. Amelia experienced her first in-flight meal, which she loved and devoured. She even ate the salad!? Who in the heck loves airplane food? Amelia. 

Q has already said more words to me than he has said all week and played cards with his sister. I started to get a glimpse into what my kids without devices feels like.

Once everything had settled, I let Amelia know that I was sorry about our rocky start; but I also reminded her that, when you travel, you have to be open to things not going as you expect. I reminded her that this trip would have its tough moments and its surprises. She nodded as she finished up the last of her pulverized malarone and chocolate pudding parfait. She then said: next time, I’m just going to take the pill. 

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